Twilio - SMS

Send SMS notifications through your Twilio account.

Inspector will send SMS notifications using your Twilio account, so first you need to configure your Twilio account keys to allow Inspector to connect to Twilio API on your behalf.

In Inspector, navigate to the project you want to activate SMS notifications.

  • Click Settings → Notifications Channels

  • Click Configure in the "Twilio - SMS" channel to open the configuration screen

Twilio Configuration

You need three mandatory parameters from your Twilio console:

  • Account SID

  • Auth Token

  • From number

You can find these information directly in your Twilio console:


You can add as many phone numbers you want to receive selected notifications. Separate each number with a comma ( , ).

Each number will receive a separate SMS, so each of them contributes to the consumption of your Twilio credit.

Remember to click "Save" after any change in the channel settings.

If you want to disable the channel click "Disconnect" and confirm your choise.

Last updated