Grouping Patterns

How to customize the transaction's grouping strategy


Since it is not always possible to identify the original signature of the endpoints within the application, you may see a different transaction for each value if the URL parameters reported in your monitoring dashboard, as shown below:

  • GET /api/users/123/profile

  • GET /api/users/56/profile

  • GET /api/users/824/profile

It is actually the same endpoint where only the user ID changes.

Creating the pattern GET /api/users/{user_id}/profile you can instruct Inspector to group all these transactions together.

The dynamic part of the transaction's name must be delimited by curly brackets ({...}), such as {user_id} in the example above.

You can also use multiple parameters inthe same string like:

GET /api/users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id}.

How to add a grouping pattern

In the top right corner of the transactions list you'll find a drop-down menu to access the grouping pattern section.

Click on the "Add new pattern" button and type your desired pattern in the form.

It can require some minutes to become active. Checkout your transactions list to verify if Inspector start grouping transactions as you expect.

Last updated